Welcome to your destination for exciting nurse anesthetist job opportunities and the best resource for qualified candidates within the nurse anesthetist industry in Indiana. |
Fees for posting are:
Fees must be paid in full before the job is posted on the website. A check may be mailed to the association or a credit card payment can be taken over the phone (217) 528-3434. If you would like to post a position, send your written job description in Word format, including instructions on how to apply, to Lisa McGrath at lisamcgrath@frontlineco.com The Clinical Director/Assistant Professor position for the University of Evansville nurse anesthesia program is a full-time faculty position. This individual will manage the clinical education component of the curriculum, including site development, student assignment, orientation of preceptors, student supervision, and assessment. Responsibilities of the clinical director include, but are not limited to:
*Annual clinical site visits may be completed by any member of the program faculty, and the clinical director should ensure that contracts are kept current and visits are completed in a timely manner. Please contact: Melissa Fitch, DNP, CRNA at mf245@evansville.edu. |